Image shows Peter using gym equipment

Peter’s Journey

Peter (74), has Parkinsons and struggles with his balance, stability and co-ordination.
He was referred to Beyond Empower by Codie, a community connector in Salford.
Peter admitted himself that he does not lead the most healthy of lifestyles.  He had a fairly high BMI score during his initial assessment, but other health tests scored well.  Peter is a highly motivated individual and is very active.  He volunteers on a regular basis at the Lowry theatre and has had numerous jobs and voluntary roles in the past, including in radio.
Our Salford Lifestyle Coach has helped by devising a gym programme to follow which includes a number of cardiovascular exercises as well as exercises focusing on balance.  Peter has fallen on a number of occasions, mainly due to not concentrating fully on what he has been doing.
Over the time that we have been working with Peter, his confidence levels have increased dramatically and he has reported that he has not fallen at all for a number of weeks.
Our Salford Lifestyle Coach has referred Peter to a 10 week postural stability course that he is due to start very soon.
Peter is now confident enough to attend the gym without our support and he will be attending in future with his wife, who is also keen to improve her own fitness.