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Following lockdown, we decided that we’d give virtual working a go. For us this means a hybrid of working from home and community-based working.
With this has come many positives. We’re all more entrenched and present in the communities we’re working in, travel is cut as there’s no travelling to and from an office to go back out again and people generally have a better work life balance.
But there was one issue; storage space.
We don’t have loads of things to store at Beyond Empower. But between our promotional materials, health check equipment and the general IT and stationary stuff that accumulates for any organisation, it was more than enough to clutter people’s homes and cars.
And finding a solution was difficult. We couldn’t really afford a space, with many costing the same as a small office.
We began to reach out to local storage providers to explain our situation, our organisations ethos, work and impact and how much that bit of additional space would help us.
From some organisations we didn’t receive a response and others explained they were unable to support.
But one did get back to us to explain they support organisations doing social good like us; Big Yellow Storage.
Since working with Big Yellow, we now have a storage solution that works for us.
The team now have a central location they’re able to drop and pick up things meaning it’s easily accessible as and when they need it and it’s not cluttering their home or car (which everyone’s grateful for).
Not only has Big Yellow helped us with storage, but we’re now exploring how we can work together through volunteering – with us hoping to have our first Big Yellow volunteer in the coming months.
So, a big Beyond Empower thank you to Big Yellow Storage. We’ll look forward to continuing to work together.